
The purpose of this website, Migrant Knowledge, is to foster and disseminate research at the nexus of migration and knowledge studies. It was conceived and is edited by the current director of the German Historical Institute, Simone Lässig, as part of her efforts to establish migration and mobility and the history of knowledge as key research foci of the institute. Migrating people—social actors with agency—are the main focus. Thus “migrant knowledge.” At the same time, there is room for interesting work on knowledge about migrants, especially if such research helps us to understand migrant knowledge. The focus here is mainly historical, but Migrant Knowledge embraces perspectives from other disciplines as well.

Migrant Knowledge comprises two main areas, a research network and a blog. The network is coordinated by the German Historical Institute Washington (GHI). The website and blog are edited by staff in both Washington and Berkeley.

Editorial Alumni

Learn more about why migrant knowledge matters and what the GHI Pacific Office at Berkeley does.

Header image: “Artwork detail at the Watts Towers, a collection of structures and art in the low-income Watts section of Los Angeles, California” by Carol M. Highsmith, 2013. Highsmith Archives, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2013631524.


BLOG here. We welcome contributions of 1,000 to 2,000 words. Please consult our submission guidelines for further information.

SHARE your ideas, news, and links with the hashtags #migknow and #histknow. Or tweet us directly @MigKnow.

EMAIL your news and tips to migknow@ghi-dc.org. We will post them on the blog and/or on our social media channels as appropriate.

ASK about the network at the same address.